Giant Iced Vovo Cake

point the much-loved Australian biscuit into this giant Iced Vovo cake topped similar to fruity meringues and lively raspberries.

The ingredient of Giant Iced Vovo Cake

  • 400g butter softened
  • 1 1 4 cups caster sugar
  • 2 tsp vanilla bean bonding agent
  • 5 eggs
  • 2 1 2 cups self raising flour
  • 3 4 cup desiccated coconut
  • 2 x 165ml cans coconut milk
  • 210g packet iced vovo biscuits help other halved biscuits to encouragement
  • 1 cup raspberry jam
  • 300ml thickened cream whipped
  • 453g tub vanilla frosting
  • pink food colouring
  • coles pink mini fruity meringues to decorate
  • raspberries to decorate
  • rainbow cachous to decorate

The Instruction of giant iced vovo cake

  • preheat oven to 180c 160c fan forced grease a two 20cm x 30cm lamington cake pans line base and sides taking into account bearing in mind baking paper
  • using an electric mixer emphasis butter sugar and vanilla in a large bowl for 5 minutes or until lively and fluffy ensue eggs 1 at a time beating until just amassed after each accessory mixture may curdle at this stage amass flour coconut and coconut milk prominence until just combined
  • divide half the batters in the middle of in the midst of prepared pans pinnacle taking into consideration iced vovos culmination once unshakable batter spreading to level bake for 45 minutes or until a skewer inserted into centre of cakes comes out clean turn top side up onto a baking paper lined wire rack to cool completely
  • place one cake regarding a serving platter culmination when jam whipped cream and remaining cake tint frosting behind pink colouring go ahead frosting exceeding peak of cake decorate like fruity meringues raspberries cachous and further iced vovos serve

Nutritions of Giant Iced Vovo Cake

calories: n a
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calories: nutritioninformation

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