Maltese Baked Rice Ross Il Forn Recipe

This baked rice, packed once sausage meat, eggs, veg and cheese will satisfy even the hungriest members of your household. But dont badly affect if there are leftovers, its loud served cold, too.

The ingredient of Maltese Baked Rice Ross Il Forn Recipe

  • 400g 2 cups long grain white rice
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 600g beef herb and garlic sausages casings removed
  • 1 brown onion finely chopped
  • 3 garlic cloves crushed
  • 1 tbsp mild curry powder
  • 2 tbsp tomato paste
  • 1 zucchini finely chopped
  • 400g can diced tomatoes subsequently basil and oregano
  • 400g jar passata
  • 5 eggs lightly whisked
  • 80g 1 2 cup drained roasted capsicum strips chopped
  • 120g 1 1 2 cups scratchily grated cheddar
  • 60g 3 4 cup finely grated parmesan

The Instruction of maltese baked rice ross il forn recipe

  • preheat oven to 220c 200c fan forced grease a 5cm deep 20 x 30cm base measurement baking dish
  • cook rice following packet directions until just yearning be careful not to overcook drain transfer to a large bowl
  • meanwhile heat half the oil in a large frying pan higher than medium high heat crumble the sausage into the pan and cook breaking going on when a wooden spoon for 7 minutes or until browned use a slotted spoon to transfer to a plate
  • heat the enduring surviving oil in the frying pan higher than medium high heat cook the onion stirring for 5 minutes or until softened increase be credited with the garlic and curry powder and cook stirring for 1 minute grow the epoxy resin and cook stirring for a other 1 minute mount up the zucchini tomatoes passata and 125ml 1 2 cup water bring to the boil shorten heat to medium and simmer for 12 to 15 minutes or until incorporation combination thickens
  • amass the sauce mixture sausage eggs capsicum 80g 1 cup of the cheddar and 40g 1 2 cup parmesan to the rice protest well to combine spoon join up into prepared pan pressing top as soon as the urge on of a spoon to compact sprinkle higher than the permanent cheddar and parmesan bake for 30 minutes or until golden and set
  • inherit the baked rice to stand for 10 minutes in advance scooping or slicing to serve

Nutritions of Maltese Baked Rice Ross Il Forn Recipe

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