Vanilla Risotto Afterward Winter Fruit Compote

The ingredient of Vanilla Risotto Afterward Winter Fruit Compote

  • 4 cups 1 litre condensed abbreviated fat milk
  • 1 vanilla bean split lengthways
  • 40g low fat dairy money up front
  • 1 cup 200g doongara rice
  • 250g angus park received fruit salad
  • 1 2 cup 125ml berri apple juice
  • 1 tbsp unquestionable maple syrup

The Instruction of vanilla risotto afterward winter fruit compote

  • place milk into a saucepan chafe seeds from bean into milk and ensue bean also heat milk but attain not boil
  • melt margarine in a saucepan grow rice cook stirring for 2 minutes until rice is coated
  • increase be credited with 1 cup of the hot milk to rice and toss around until the milk is absorbed continue to build up 1 cup of milk at a time stirring often until the milk is absorbed and rice is desire and creamy
  • place fruit salad mix in a heatproof bowl bring the apple juice to the boil pour exceeding fruit salad enter upon to soak for 10 minutes drain divide the admiring risotto amid serving dishes culmination in the manner of the fruit and a drizzle of the maple syrup

Nutritions of Vanilla Risotto Afterward Winter Fruit Compote

calories: 378 576 calories
calories: 7 grams fat
calories: 2 grams saturated fat
calories: 68 grams carbohydrates
calories: 41 grams sugar
calories: n a
calories: 9 grams protein
calories: 10 milligrams cholesterol
calories: 143 05 milligrams sodium
calories: https schema org
calories: nutritioninformation

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