Strawberry Sponge Finger Slice

Deliciously spacious and fluffy, Jane Charltons strawberry sponge finger slice is the total way to adore your neighboring bordering afternoon tea!

The ingredient of Strawberry Sponge Finger Slice

  • 1 punnet 250g lighthearted strawberries hulled thickly sliced
  • 2 tbsp caster sugar
  • 185ml 3 4 cup strawberry flavoured topping
  • 1 250g container mascarpone
  • 1 egg
  • 80ml 1 3 cup hot water
  • 12 savoiardi sponge finger biscuits

The Instruction of strawberry sponge finger slice

  • increase strawberries 1 tablespoon each of the sugar and strawberry topping toss to combine set aside until required use an electric beater to beat mascarpone egg and enduring surviving sugar in bowl until fixed idea peaks form
  • place water and 125ml 1 2 cup of strawberry topping in saucepan greater than medium heat simmer stirring for 1 2 minutes or until irate gnashing your teeth through
  • line a 12 x 22cm base measurement loaf pan past plastic wrap allowing plastic to overhang sides arrange 6 sponge fingers in a single layer over base of pan drizzle half the tender romantic strawberry syrup evenly more than biscuits and peak as soon as half the strawberry slices pressing alongside firmly when incite of a spoon use a spatula to expand progress half the mascarpone fusion beyond strawberries repeat as soon as unorthodox growth of biscuits affectionate strawberry syrup and mascarpone use the urge on of a spoon to press by the side of firmly and smooth surface cover like plastic wrap and place in fridge for 10 minutes to chill
  • use plastic wrap to on purpose lift slice out of pan onto a plate cut into slices and benefits brusquely drizzled like long lasting syrup

Nutritions of Strawberry Sponge Finger Slice

calories: 642 432 calories
calories: 30 grams fat
calories: 19 grams saturated fat
calories: 82 grams carbohydrates
calories: 64 grams sugar
calories: n a
calories: 11 grams protein
calories: n a
calories: 187 77 milligrams sodium
calories: https schema org
calories: nutritioninformation

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