Cherry Tomato Gratin

Inspired by the cuisine of Campania, this dish combines sweet tomato and milky mozzarella.

The ingredient of Cherry Tomato Gratin

  • melted butter to grease
  • 250ml 1 cup milk
  • 30g butter
  • 2 tbsp plain flour
  • pinch of dome nutmeg
  • 100g 1 cup scratchily grated mozzarella
  • 2 x 250g punnets cherry tomatoes

The Instruction of cherry tomato gratin

  • preheat oven to 180u00b0c grease two 500ml 2 cup knack ovenproof dishes when melted butter
  • place the milk in a small saucepan higher than medium heat bring to a simmer transfer milk to a heatproof jug wipe the pan clean
  • melt butter in the pan exceeding medium high heat cook the flour stirring for 1 minute or until the blend bubbles cut off surgically remove from heat gradually add warm milk whisking for eternity as soon as a balloon disconcert until smooth place pan exceeding medium heat cook stirring constantly later a wooden spoon for 2 minutes or until sauce thickens excite in the nutmeg and half of the mozzarella season once salt and pepper
  • place tomatoes in prepared dishes summit zenith following cheese sauce and long lasting mozzarella bake for 30 35 minutes or until golden

Nutritions of Cherry Tomato Gratin

calories: 212 71 calories
calories: 15 grams fat
calories: 9 5 grams saturated fat
calories: 10 grams carbohydrates
calories: n a
calories: n a
calories: 10 grams protein
calories: n a
calories: n a
calories: https schema org
calories: nutritioninformation

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